Last Outpost

My military science fiction novelette, “Hashtag WhiteBitch” (#WhiteBitch), has made it into the table of contents for the Last Outpost anthology by Bascomb James of Pushpin Books.

Because a large chunk of my stories, even those that come in the form of over-the-top RPG-Starship-Troopers-the-movie style tales, are ultimately about climate change, this one revolves around a freshwater war on a Canadian glacier. There are soldiers. There are loads of drones and robots.

And there is a truckload of footage beaming out from the warzone.

This is future war, seen live on home TV.


One of the heroes from the story (because I like to draw headers for my story posts). This is a rough pencil sketch overlaid in Photoshop colour.

Anyway, hope you check out the anthology when it arrives.

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